Courses & Certification


Getting Started

About Midway Auto University

Welcome to Midway Auto University. We are excited to introduce our custom service, sales technician, and product training website, to bring our team skills, and customer service to the next level! Whether you’re just starting out or you are one of our seasoned employees this program provides an amazing opportunity for growth and success.

The courses are made up of videos that depict real life day to day, on the job scenarios. The take away will be the best way to increase customer loyalty and your compensation with each interaction. Some of these videos are followed by short quizzes to ensure your understanding, to apply these principles to your daily operations. In addition to the courses, Live Webinar Replays are also added on a regular basis for ongoing learning.

We have built Midway Auto University as part of our ongoing commitment to our Midway Family. This is ongoing training, so take your time to get the most out of the courses, and come back regularly to take new courses. We hope that our entire team will take full advantage of this exclusive training opportunity, so that we all can reap the rewards of learning new techniques , building customer trust and positive industry reputation.

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